Monday, February 20, 2012


I am NOT good at posting on a blog!!!! Geesh!!! Not even posting about information that I really enjoy!! So, here is another attempt:
     Scrapbooking is still my absolute favorite hobby! I really enjoy creating pages for my family to enjoy. Yesterday I attended a Close To My Heart event. I do like their products, but I do not like the prices as compared to what I can find at my local scrapbook store. I DO want the Cricut cartridge that is sold only by Close To My Heart consultants! Wow! 700 images!!! Cards, boxes, much is on this cartridge!!! AND so many of the images match the stamps sold by Close to My Heart. WOW!! SO you can cut and then stamp an cool is that!!!? But, I did not make the will have to wait awhile! Check it out if you get a chance...really awesome cartridge!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Oopsie! I really did finish the projects..just never posted. I really am not good at writing for the world!

So, update on scrap news....we are scrappin' once a month. Our group is, Croppin4Christ. We have a whole lot of fun scrappin', chattin', eatin' and just having fun with each other. Some people are confused about crops and wonder why they should attend. Here's why:
To do what you love to do with other people
To share what you love to do with other people
To learn new techniques
To teach techniques
To try out different items before purchasing
To share expensive items
To chat
To sing
To dance
To party
To learn
To grow
To just be with friends having a super time!!!!!

Crops are fun! Try one out!

Monday, October 25, 2010


     Croppin4Christ is the name of the scrappin' group that my niece, Teresa, and I started several years ago at a local church. We have made many changes to our group: new people, different places to crop, different croppin' venue, but we are also still the same: same people, same readiness to teach and same desire to crop often.
     I really enjoy scrappin' the day away, either alone or with friends. I love the texture of the papers and embellishments, creating awesome layouts and sharing my talent with others. Some people would say that I do more sharin' and teachin' than I do scrappin'. Maybe so. I want everyone to enjoy scrapbooking as much as I do.
     I am NOT a blogger, but a few people from our group asked me to share what I know, so I will try. I am no Pinkstamper or Okie, but for my pals, I will try.
     I have seven children at home and I homeschool 4 of them, so I don't know how much time I will be able to devote to this adventure, but I will do the best I can.
     Right now I am working on an easy project of Paperbag Albums. I am making mine the old school way...easy! My goal is to sell them, but if they don't sell, then I will share them with friends.
     So, my first pictures will be of my Paperbag Album creations.
     The plan is to do just that on Tuesday. Until then,
     Happy Scrappin'!